From Ayurveda and the Season by Trudy Collings

In Ayurveda, spring is considered kapha season. There is something so sweet and gentle about the springtime. Things seem to move slowly and there is a softness in the air. The softness is an attribute of the water element whereas the slowness is an attribute of the earth element. Both earth and water encourage us to slow down in a healthy way; yet, these elements can also cause us to become imbalanced in kapha dosha. To maintain balance in this season, favor astringent, bitter, and pungent tastes. Lightly sauté spinach, chard, mustard greens and/or kale with a small amount of ghee or safflower oil. These greens contain the bitter and astringent tastes which will help cleanse the body and counterbalance any congestion and heaviness within the digestive tract. Add to your sauté pungent vegetables like onions, parsnips, and garlic. These vegetables work particularly well for kapha dosha because they are light, dry and heating.

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