Limping or lameness happens when your pet is walking abnormally on one or more limbs. This condition can be a sign of an underlying health complication. So, handle this issue as soon as possible to return your pet to its active, healthy lifestyle. At Animal Hospital of Lynnwood, we can diagnose and treat your pet’s physical complications. Read along for an overview of your pet’s lameness or limping condition.

Causes of Lameness and Limping

Possible causes include injuries like strains, sprains, fractures, foot infections, or torn nails. Other causes include:

  • Arthritis in a joint that interferes with your pet’s ability to flex.
  • Tumors, both benign and cancerous, affect the normal motion of your pet’s legs.
  • Intervertebral disc illness might cause pain and chronic limping in pets. The most severe case might result in paralysis if not treated immediately.
  • Hip dysplasia is a condition caused by abnormal cartilage development around the hip joints. As a result, the hip joint loosens up, allowing the thighbone to slip out of the hip socket easily. This condition can cause chronic pain and a limp.

Signs of Lameness or Limping in Pets

A pet in pain will often resist exercising and playing, exhibit problems lying down, maintaining balance, going up or down stairs, and standing. Consult a veterinarian if your pet exhibits any of the following symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Swelling
  • Broken bones
  • Uncontrollable bleeding
  • Bloody stool or bloody mouth
  • Excessive heat in the affected area
  • Fever of over 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Obvious signs of pain, such as snapping, biting, whining, or growling

Diagnosing Lameness and Limping

Pets need tests like skin scrapes, x-rays, blood tests, or other diagnostic imaging when limping. A comprehensive exam by our veterinarian can help determine the root cause of your pet’s condition.

Contact Animal Hospital of Lynnwood for Lameness Treatment

Seeing your pet limp can be scary. At Animal Hospital of Lynnwood, we have successfully done hundreds of treatments for lameness in pets. In minor cases, we’ve discovered an object stuck in the pet’s paw and removed it. In severe cases, we have done fracture and dislocation surgery for dogs. Call our team today at (425) 771-6300 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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