When to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

posted: Aug. 26, 2021.

There are many advantages to spaying or neutering your pet. Not only will it prevent an unintended pregnancy, but it helps eliminate certain cancers in the reproductive organs and mammary glands. Social animals like guinea pigs and rabbits can have the companionship of their own kind without the risk of babies. Our veterinarians have gathered a few tips on when to spay or neuter your pet at Animal Hospital of Lynnwood.

Kittens and Puppies

We recommend spaying and neutering early in life depending on the breed of the dog. Please ask us when you come in for physical exams and vaccinations. Although female puppies can be spayed before their first heat, so they will be less prone to getting breast tumors when they get older. Puppies and kittens need to be evaluated by a veterinarian to ensure they are healthy for the surgery.

Older Pets Can Also Be Neutered

Cats and dogs are rarely too old to be spayed or neutered, provided they are healthy enough for the surgery. Some owners of pedigreed cats and dogs prefer to have their females spayed after just a few litters to help preserve the animal’s health. Female dogs in particular are prone to many health problems like pyometra or infections of the uterus when they get older.

Other Pets Can Be Neutered

It’s not just dogs and cats that can be neutered. Advancements in pet anesthesia and other aspects of veterinary care have made spaying and neutering other types of pets routine. Female ferrets can be spayed as young as five weeks. Males can be neutered as young as three weeks. Both rabbits and guinea pigs can be spayed or neutered when they are at least four months old.

Getting a Checkup First

Before scheduling any surgical procedure for your pet, make sure it is healthy enough for the surgery. The only way to do this is to get a thorough checkup with one of our veterinarians. Some animals may need to wait until they are healthy enough to handle the anesthesia.

Get Your Pet Spayed or Neutered in Bellevue, WA

If you have any questions about spaying or neutering your pet and live in or around Bellevue, contact Animal Wellness Center to speak with one of our veterinarians. Call our team today at (425) 455-8900 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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