We Provide Spay and Neuter Surgeries for Dogs at Animal Wellness Center

It’s important to spay or neuter your dogs to help control the pet population. Many unwanted puppies don’t have homes and need care which is a result of pet overpopulation. Many end up in overcrowded shelters. This is why pet owners should commit to having one of these procedures done for their pets. Spay and neuter services are available at Animal Wellness Center, serving the residents living in and around the Bellevue area. 

We Offer Spay and Neuter Services and Puppy Care

One of the most popular services we offer at our clinic is spay and neuter surgeries. We also provide routine puppy care in the months before spay and neuter services are necessary. From the time you get your pets and through the end of their lifetimes, we can provide them with services that ensure they lead a healthier, happier life. 

Our veterinarian and vet clinic staff are highly trained and strive to give your pet the best care and attention possible. When it comes to spay and neuter services, we will carefully examine your pets to ensure they are healthy enough for the procedure. The process is routine and accomplished in a short time. We will go over care procedures before and after the surgery to help ensure your pets heal appropriately and instruct pet owners about conditions or symptoms to look for that can indicate a potential problem. 

The right type of pet aftercare is crucial to ensure your pets have a good outcome without additional complications that slow the healing process or cause emergency care situations. In most cases, spay an neuter surgeries are simple and pets recover quickly. 

Top Veterinary Care in Bellevue, WA

Pet owners looking for an established vet and medical center can count on us at Animal Wellness Center to provide everything pets need to have a good quality of life. Our team is dedicated to offering specialized services suited to each patient’s needs. We look forward to caring for your pet and giving them a wide range of care options, all under one roof. Whether it’s surgery or routine wellness exams, we can give you those options. Call our office today to schedule an appointment, ask questions about products or services, or even alert us to an emergency medical condition. We are ready to give the necessary care and attention your pet needs when they need it. 

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