Hank is one of our St. Bernard patients here at the Animal Hospital of Lynnwood.
Last summer he came to us overweight and clocking in at 187 lbs. St. Bernards are typically a large breed, but they aren’t supposed to be that big!
This is what he looked like at the time:
Hank’s owner took steps to get him to lose weight. She increased the amount of walk and play time he gets by going on longer walks and playing with dogs at a doggie daycare.
He also splashes around at home with a kiddie pool.
When he came to see us on August 20th 2019, he had lost about 29 lbs! Hank looks great and is in great shape thanks to his owner’s dedication to getting Hank out and active!
He now looks like this:
He is a visibly leaner dog, but he is just as happy as ever!